; TEL - (USA): +1.214.438.9105

6 months Devops Engineer Training

As a cloud operations professional, your role will revolve around ensuring the smooth operation, optimization, and security of cloud-based infrastructures. Responsibilities include managing cloud resources such as virtual machines, storage, and networking components, monitoring system performance and availability, implementing automation for efficient resource provisioning and scaling, configuring and enforcing security measures to safeguard data and applications, conducting regular backups and disaster recovery planning, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot issues and implement improvements. Additionally, staying abreast of emerging technologies and best practices in cloud computing is essential for continually optimizing cloud operations and delivering reliable services to users.

Enterprise Network Administration with Windows Server

– Proficient Windows Server Administration skills acquisition

– Configuration of essential protocols: Active Directory Services (ADS), Domain Name System (DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

– Advanced techniques for efficiency and security optimization

– Creation and management of Workgroups and Domains

– Seamless integration of computers into domains

– User account administration with precise security measures

– Active Directory Configuration expertise for efficient directory services

– Domain Policy Management for security fortification and performance optimization

– Hands-on experience and practical exercises for issue troubleshooting and configuration fine-tuning

– Implementation of best practices for seamless operation of Windows Server environments

Cloud Server Administration with Linux

– Delve into managing network resources within Linux Servers
– Mastery in creating and administering files and directories using various tools
– Advance to proficiently managing users, groups, permissions, and applications within Cloud Servers
– Intermediate and advanced-level commands for altering, deleting, or modifying resources
– Assign ownership and permissions at both file and folder levels
– Explore automation techniques using Cron and Shell Scripts
– Learn data migration methods including SSH, SCP, FTP, Apache HTTPD, NTP, and more
– Possess expertise to navigate and optimize Linux server environments confidently

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect

– Gain proficiency in designing and managing public and private cloud infrastructures on AWS
– Explore key AWS services such as VPC, EC2, S3, CloudFront, EFS, RDS, Direct Connect, Route 53, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, and CloudFormation
– Utilize IAM console to create custom users and groups for secure access to AWS resources
– Set up lifecycle policies for automated creation and deletion of S3 snapshots using S3 CLI tools
– Back up data from S3 to Glacier and Deep Glacier for cost-effective long-term storage
– Configure security groups, Elastic IP addresses, and auto-scaling configurations for optimized resource allocation and system reliability
– Create and maintain ACLs, implement IGW and Route Tables for public-facing subnets, and set up NAT for private-facing subnets within AWS VPCs
– Configure and manage AWS services including EC2, RDS, VPC, S3, Glacier, CloudFront, and Route 53
– Add elasticity and scalability to meet diverse design requirements
– Architect and maintain robust, secure, and highly available cloud infrastructures on AWS

Second 3 Months: DevOps Engineering

As a DevOps Engineer, your role encompasses bridging the gap between software development and IT operations, utilizing a suite of traditional DevOps tools to streamline the software development lifecycle. This involves automating processes for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) using tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI, or CircleCI; managing infrastructure as code with tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef; implementing containerization and orchestration through Docker and Kubernetes; monitoring system performance and logging using tools like Nagios, Prometheus, or ELK stack; and ensuring security and compliance with tools like SonarQube and OWASP ZAP. By effectively leveraging these tools, DevOps Engineers facilitate collaboration between development and operations teams, accelerate software delivery, and enhance the reliability and scalability of software systems.

Infrastructure as Code with Terraform

– Harness the power of Terraform in an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) course
– Revolutionize application deployment processes within AWS
– Develop essential application features alongside Terraform implementation
– Set up development environment using VSCode IDE and install Terraform
– Create Terraform scripts, understand Terraform files, workflows, and tfstate management
– Gain proficiency in HashiCorp Cloud & Scripting
– Master techniques for backing up to the cloud to fortify infrastructure
– Deploy cloud resources using Terraform scripts through hands-on exercises
– Provide intermediate-level design and engineering support for successful IT cloud project delivery
– Delve into Python coding to automate infrastructure provisioning
– Learn fundamental coding concepts and leverage tools like GitHub Copilot for efficient code generation
– Master skills to streamline operations, enhance scalability, and optimize cloud infrastructure management

DevOps & CD/CD Engineering

Foundation of DevOps:

– Introduction to DevOps principles and practices.

– Collaboration and communication between development and operations teams.

– Basics of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) concepts.

– In-depth understanding of DevOps culture, emphasizing collaboration and shared responsibility.

– Implementing CI/CD pipelines and understanding their importance in the software delivery lifecycle.

– Knowledge of version control systems (e.g., Git) and their role in DevOps workflows.

Automation and Configuration Management:

– Introduction to automation tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitLab CI.

– Basics of scripting languages (e.g., Bash, Python) for automation.

– Basic configuration management concepts.

– Configuring and managing automation pipelines for building, testing, and deploying applications.

– Advanced scripting for task automation and integration within the CI/CD process.

– Configuration management tools (e.g., Ansible) for consistent infrastructure configurations.

Introduction to CI/CD:

– Understanding the core concepts of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD).

– Familiarity with the benefits of CI/CD in software development.

– Basic knowledge of version control systems (e.g., Git).

– Proficient use of CI tools (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab CI, Travis CI).

– Configuration of basic CI pipelines for automating code builds and unit tests.

– Integration of CI tools with version control systems.

Deployment Automation:

– Basics of deployment automation and orchestration.

– Introduction to containerization using Docker

– Basic knowledge of deployment strategies (e.g., blue-green deployments).

– Implementation of deployment automation using Ansible.

– Configuring pipelines for multiple environments (development, staging, production).

– Integration of containerization in the CI/CD workflow.


Production-grade Deployment with Kubernetes


Introduction to Kubernetes:

– Understanding the fundamentals of containerization and its benefits.

– Basics of Kubernetes architecture and components.

– Familiarity with Kubernetes resources (Pods, Deployments, Services).

– Proficient use of `kubectl` for interacting with Kubernetes clusters.

– Creation and management of simple Kubernetes deployments.

– Understanding and implementing basic networking concepts in Kubernetes.

Pods, Deployments, Service, etc:

– Creating and managing individual Pods in Kubernetes.

– Basics of Pod networking and communication.

– Introduction to Deployments and their role in managing application instances.

– Configuring and managing multi-container Pods.

– Implementing rolling updates and rollbacks with Deployments.

– Utilizing Helm for package management and simplifying Kubernetes resource definitions.

Scaling and Resource Management:

– Basics of scaling applications in Kubernetes (horizontal and vertical scaling).

– Introduction to resource requests and limits.

– Understanding the concept of Kubernetes namespaces.

– Implementing autoscaling based on metrics.

– Fine-tuning resource allocation for optimal performance.

– Managing resource quotas and limits within namespaces.

Advanced Kubernetes

– Services, Ingress, and networking in Kubernetes.

– Helm for packaging and deploying Kubernetes applications.

– StatefulSets and persistent storage.

– Advanced networking concepts (Network Policies).

– Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and Operators.

Cluster Administration:

– Cluster installation and setup (Minikube, single-node).

– Basic cluster configuration and management.

– Basic troubleshooting techniques.

– Multi-node cluster installation and high availability.

– Security measures (RBAC, network policies).

– Monitoring and logging configurations.

– Advanced security practices (Pod Security Policies, identity integration).

– Disaster recovery planning and execution.

– Cluster upgrades and maintenance.

– Integration with CI/CD pipelines.

– Managing and scaling applications in production.

– Advanced Helm usage and chart development.

– Application lifecycle management.




The Build and Optimization of CI/CD Pipeline for Continuous Application Release from Development to Operations

Aviation Industry

  • Orchestrated the setup and ongoing management of a robust CI/CD pipeline, resulting in a remarkable 40% improvement in team efficiency.
  • Implemented end-to-end automation of code deployment processes, leading to a significant reduction in time to market, slashing deployment duration from 8 hours to an agile 2 hours.
  • Deployed and configured open-source monitoring tools to actively observe and evaluate the health and performance of cloud-based resources, fostering proactive issue resolution.
  • Engineered comprehensive deployment scripts, effectively eliminating downtime for applications, and establishing a resilient infrastructure foundation.


Infrastructure Provisioning Automation for Testing and Development Environments, using Terraform

AWS & Azure

  • Increased the number of applications and S3 buckets created from 4 to 16 by creating a new terraform manifest that automated the infrastructure provisioning.
  • Implemented Terraform modules to streamline the provisioning process, ensuring consistency and scalability across different projects and environments.
  • Enhanced security measures by incorporating AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies into the Terraform scripts, aligning with best practices.
  • Established a version control system for Terraform manifests, leveraging Git, to track changes, collaborate efficiently, and maintain a history of infrastructure modifications.


Kubernetes Cluster Deployment and Configuration for Production Environment

Healthcare Industry

  • Configured and managed Kubernetes clusters for production as well as non-production environments, using Terraform and AWS-EKS, ensuring high availability with 99.9% SLA for applications, and increased speed of deployments by 50%.
  •  Automated overall Kubernetes cluster deployment and management, providing robust performance optimization, health monitoring, and application deployment control.
  • Developed Helm charts for deploying, managing, and rolling new releases of applications.
  • Implemented security policies to ensure best security practices for applications.

Get in touch with us

Contact us for any inquiries, information, or support you need. We are always ready to assist you with our dedicated team, available via email, phone, or visit our website.




(USA): +1.214.438.9105

(NIGERIA): +234.803.301.4082

(UNITED KINGDOM): +44.757.237.6272